In a global emergent trend, companies and financial institutions can have you listed as a loan defaulter for not paying your loans, settling your store account, credit card, debt in good time or even paying utility bills such as water or electricity. Such listings may remain on your record for between 3 and 10 years, even if you manage to clear up all of your debts. A Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) listing can affect your chances of buying anything on credit.
Is it possible to be blacklisted without being aware? In 2016, many farmers in Bura and Hola irrigation schemes were blacklisted due to inability to pay because of a failed harvest which was beyond their control. If you are listed with CRB it is very difficult or even unmanageable to convince any registered financial institution to finance you because you have been classified as a risky client.
Quipbank Trust Limited sells trucks and equipment on credit. As the only equipment bank in the region it has found of late a number of applicants are capable of repaying but upon a search, they find the clients been listed in CRB. Some debts may be huge to repay at once, yet the vehicle repayment is much smaller. Quipbank is starting the program off with 13 ton trucks as it has determined this is an underserved market.
A commercial vehicle earns you money that assists you to repay your debt. Persons listed with Credit Reference Bureau may even struggle to open a bank account or get a job in some countries. Having a means to pay grants you a financial freedom. You need to grab the offer by powering your way to financial freedom with the 13 ton trucks which are being disposed off without a CRB check.
“We are committed to offer clients the most flexible payment terms in the market. Clients that are listed by Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) but have a solid contract need not to worry. All they need is to pay a deposit of 50 per cent and hit on the road with the truck of their choice. Under this arrangement clients can Rent to Own the truck and clear the balance within 24 months,” said Quipbank Trust Limited Commercial Director, John Mogire.
The company has put 50 trucks on the sell program, with already 10 being snapped up within the week. This kind of financing is expected to boost asset acquisition and clients’ business overall growth irrespective of their past loan history and enable them secure contracts.
Quipbank Trust Limited is an equipment bank which offers vehicles and equipment rental and sales options on a technology platform. We specialize in mining and construction equipment, agricultural equipment, automotive, trucks and trailers. We provide you with unique and creative solutions that meet our clients’ expectations, not only by realizing the business objectives, but particularly by our strict adherence to the ethical principles of equipment banking. Continuous search for opportunities beyond the agreed machinery/equipment depositing, exchanging and renting objectives. Creative approaches to the clients’ special needs in order to find unique and tailored renting solutions
For more information,
Please contact,
Jared Oundo
Corporate Affairs and Communication
Cellphone: 07 194 082 44