Author name: admin

Quipbank Partners with Tata to equip Transmara Sugar Millers

Quipbank Trust Limited and Tata Africa Holdings Limited have partnered to supply farming equipment to Transmara Sugar Company Limited (TSCL). Quipbank through its product dubbed Tinga is leasing 11 units of tractors to Transmara Sugar millers for one year. TSCL has opted for leasing as it new business model to increase its tractor fleet and

Tinga Launch Media Advisory

  Dear Editor, I am writing to inform you about a potential news event that I thought might interest you.  There will be a Handover of tractors to Transmara Sugar millers, which will be held at the Transmara Sugar Company Limited (TSCL) compound in Kilgoris on Thursday 14th April 2016 at 2:00PM. The media is

Tire Maintenance Tips

Tire Maintenance Tips

Basic tire maintenance and monitoring is easy. All tires should be kept at the pressure specified by the tire and vehicle manufacturers for optimal performance, Operators should be keen to notice problems that need to be fixed & do a thorough walk-around inspection of their vehicle before operation. In addition, Brakes, struts, rock knockers and alignment should all be inspected and maintained properly to avoid adverse effect on a vehicle’s tires. The following articles highlighs some of the tire maintenance tips that you should know:

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